Thursday, September 13, 2012

There must be 50 ways to grind up evolutionism and atheism into a fine pulp!

Creation Ministries International did a great article on the army of Christian/creationist bloggers that is forming. The article is entitled Thank you, ‘blogosphere battlers’—you’re making a difference

Below is a telling quote from the article and the quote comes from an atheist blogger:
I have never cared about the ‘evidence’ one way or the other, I know God exists, I just refuse to bow down to anyone.

In their hearts, all atheists know there is a God no matter how hard they try to suppress it.

The song writer Paul Simon said there must be 50 ways to leave your lover.

In August, we did a post on the widespread dissemination phase of the Question Evolution! Campaign and its 15 questions for evolutionists

I was thinking to myself, "Self, there must be 50 ways to grind evolutionism and atheism into a fine pulp."

It turns out there are at least 51 ways to grind up evolutionism!

Behold, 51 Blog Tips to Build a Successful Blog

We can certainly use these 51 tips for Question Evolution! blogs.

Plus, I recent found out there are at least 100+ ways to grind up evolutionism, atheism and agnosticism.

In our June 3, 2012 article outlining our 12 point plan to accelerate the decline of global atheism, agnosticism and evolutionism we wrote:
In addition, it is always a good idea to unleash surprises on the opposition so we have some of those planned as well.
Evolutionists and atheists, I could tell you about the other 50+ ways to do some serious pulverizing of evolutionism, but I don't want to spoil the surprise!

And remember, once evolutionism ceases to be force fed in schools, atheism and agnosticism will fold like accordions. The few village militant atheists remaining will be shunned by their communities if they persist. And due to current world trends, which includes the low fertility rate of secularists compared to committed creationists, it is inevitable that evolutionism will be pulled from schools. See: Evolutionists, start thinking the "unthinkable"

Question Evolution! Campaign resources and other resources:

Atheism, agnosticism and humanism: Godless religions

Refuting evolution

Question Evolution! Campaign

15 questions for evolutionists

Responses to the 15 Questions: part 1 - Questions 1-3

Responses to the 15 Questions: part 2 - Questions 4–8

Responses to the 15 Questions: part 2 - Questions 9-15


  1. Replies
    1. evolution is pseudoscience???!!!! I don't know whether tomlaugh or cry when I read such nonsense. You can steal the vocabulary of science but that doesn't make your silly assertions any more credible. Evolution is a fact. Get over it!

    2. Martha,

      Are you willing to debate the issue of the
      15 questions for evolutionists
      via a recorded oral debate which would be distributed to tens of thousands of people.

      Are you confident in the validity of your evolutionary beliefs?

      If you are confident, please make the necessary arrangements via this free chat room:,89538844 You can make the necessary arrangements with the chat room moderators Shockofgod or VivaYahshua

    3. Debate? THERE ISN'T ONE!!

      Question 1 is a diversion tactic. The fact that you confuse abiogenesis with evolution proves you don't understand biology, at all.

      Question 2, perhaps look into the Miller-Urey experiment that was done in 50's, and then look how much we've learned so far. Nothing is 'supernatural' about DNA. The fact that you bring this up, knowing science does not have an answer yet you THINK you do, is a logical fallacy. In fact, your entire opinion on the history of life on earth is a logical fallacy. 'Argument from Ignorance'.

      Scientific breakthroughs? Another fail. Ever heard of Influenza (the flu)? Did you know the flu is constantly evolving making it harder to keep up vaccinations?? Penicillin?!?!?!????? You are clueless. Get real.

    4. Kevin,

      Why are you addressing the page's content and the links below each question?

      A few points:

      1. The General Theory of Evolution, as defined by the evolutionist Kerkut, does include the origin of life.

      Evolutionist also call abiogenesis by the term chemical evolution. It seems like evolutionist want their cake and want to eat it too.

      2. Re: Question 2 - Why aren't you addressing the information located here: and here

      3. Re: breakthroughs, do you know the difference between microevolution and macroevolution? If not, why not? See:

      4. Are you willing to have a debate centered around the 15 questions for evolutionists (see: )
      via a recorded oral debate which would be distributed to tens of thousands of people.

      If you are confident in your evolutionary beliefs, please make the necessary arrangements via this free chat room:,89538844 You can make the necessary arrangements with the chat room moderators Shockofgod or VivaYehshua. Alternatively, you can email Shockofgod via his YouTube email at

      If you want to know more about the debate, any and all questions should be directed to Shockofgod or VivaYehshua

  2. I would love to know which atheist blog posted that quote about not caring about 'evidence.' This must be a legitimate quote from an atheist blogger, since it has been prominently featured here and on other websites, so please tell us the source!

    1. Joebobo,

      God hating and not caring about the abundant evidence that supports the existence of God is the very foundation of atheism.

      "If this God of the Christians were proved to us to exist, we should know even less how to believe in him." - Atheist Friedrich Nietzsche

    2. So. Asking for a citation, one that should be easy enough to produce, is a no-no when religion is involved? This is why creationism fails over and over.

  3. When I hear reports of wet water or blue skies, I don't fret all day on whether the reports are accurate as they are in accordance with my experience.

    Likewise, when I hear a report of a rebellious, obstinate, deceitful and reality denying atheist, I don't fret all day about the veracity of the report as it also in accordance with my experience and the historical record.

    Feel free to further investigate if you wish, but I suspect you may be rebellious atheist yourself and know the report is very likely a true story. After all, all atheists have sinned and know the Bible's statements about the sinfulness of man are quite accurate.

    By the way, have you read our articles Richard Dawkins and Rabbi Shmuley Boteach debate and Is Richard Dawkins a flip-flopper? If so, what are your thoughts on the material contained in these articles?

  4. Why does anyone restrict the way God operates? Why is it not possible that he could use Evolution as a tool? No one knows when evolution started. How can anyone expect what God does to be understandable to humans at any time, in any way---whether to scientists or ministers?

    1. McCoy,

      A few questions for you:

      1. God said the creation was very good when he created it. It wasn't until the fall of man that creation degraded according to the Bible.

      What is very good about a process of creating animals that causes untold mutants and suffering? Most mutations are bad.

      2. Why does what God does in history always have to be non-understandable as far as what he did?

      Are you saying that the biblical historical record is totally incomprehensible? Like we don't know that Jesus was a carpenter for example?

      What is your evidence that Genesis was mere myth? Please defend your Bible exegesis.

      3. We can talk about hypothetical situations all day long.
      Are you confident that there is sound evidence for macroevolution?

      Are you confident to debate the issue of the
      15 questions for evolutionists via a recorded oral debate which would be distributed to tens of thousands of people?

      If you are confident, please make the necessary arrangements via this free chat room:,89538844 You can make the necessary arrangements with the chat room moderators Shockofgod or VivaYehshua

    2. I am a Catholic and well educated---formal learning before the Liberals took over indoctrinating everyone. And you've completely mis-understood my comments as choosing Evolution over Creation. God is God, and we can never know or understand Him in this life. He did inspire and guide the writing of the Bible, but some of it was created as moral lessons---and one can't take all things as word for word real. We learn from studying it because many passages can be interpreted in different ways, and we grow with each effort. I believe God inspired Darwin in re Evolution just as He inspired Einstein in Physics. It's a tool of His to explain part of His Creation. He planned the detailed mechanism when he set Creation and Life in motion. Evolution is just one of His tools. We were all born with original sin, our first barrier, and we get past it with Baptism. Other good and evil comes with living life. If we fully understand Evolution as part of Creation, we can better understand life. Are you egotistical enough to explain how Creation works without Evolution? Do you know God and how He operates? I don't believe Evolution is the opposite of Creation. One is the ongoing event, and the other is the tool to make it happen.

    3. McCoy,

      Are you willing to debate and take the position that it is unknowable whether creation or evolution is true.

      If so, you are going to have to address such things as question #9 of the 15 questions for evolutionists

      You are going to have to explain how evolution could have happened without leaving the millions of expected missing link fossils.

      So are you willing to debate under the conditions we offered?

  5. I think it's just pathetic that you use a book on 51 Ways to build a successful blog (not a successful creationist blog, just a successful blog in general!) as somehow 51 ways to destroy evolution. How you derived that I have no idea, it's hard to know what goes through a creationist's head. Please do elaborate on this with your magnificent reasoning skills!

    1. Cardiomals,

      A few points:

      1. We know that evolutionism cannot withstand cross-examination. The biochemist Dr. Duane Gish, who endorsed the Question Evolution! Campaign, consistently won his 300+ public debates with evolutionists. And with the aid of increased fundraising the critical examination of Darwinism is going to occur on a much wider scale.

      Simply getting out the Question Evolution! message and the biblical creation message in a bigger and more efficient way helps destroy Darwinism due to the inherent weakness of Darwinism.

      2. Are you willing to debate the issue of the
      15 questions for evolutionists via a recorded oral debate which would be distributed to tens of thousands of people.

      Are you confident in the validity of evolutionism or are you going to slink away or make excuses?

      If you are confident, please make the necessary arrangements via this free chat room:,89538844 You can make the necessary arrangements with the chat room moderators Shockofgod or VivaYehshua.

  6. You didn't answer my question. How does "51 tips to build a successful blog" magically become "51 tips to grind up evolutionism"?
    I didn't come here to debate evolution, because you and I both know you're right (wink). I just want the answer to my question please.

    1. I see your not confident in evolutionism as you dodged the debate offer.

      Second, I did answer your question, just not in the way you liked. And now that you have scurried away from a debate offer, I wouldn't hold my breathe in terms of me wanting to wrangle with you.

    2. I agree. You didn't answer his question. Learn how to speak straight and not as a politician.

    3. McCoy,

      The more ways there are to get out anti-evolution information which offer legitimate criticisms of Darwinism, the more ways there are to grind away at evolutionary belief in the world.

      As I indicated, the evolutionary paradigm is weak and indefensible.

      Next, I took into consideration your response to my debate offer and offered you a legitimate debate based on the response you made. If you are sincere, please demonstrate it by accepting the new debate offer.

  7. I scurried away from your "debate" offer because in the end, you and I both know you will still always be right.

    Why do you always treat people declining your "debate" offers as them being cowards? Ever thought maybe we just don't want to waste our time trying to "debate" someone who will always think they're right no matter what?

    It's funny how you say there are 15 question evolutionists cannot "satisfactorily" answer. That is totally correct, because creationists will never be satisfied for as long as they exist. Not to mention the fact that "satisfaction" is different for different people. Any attempts to "satisfy" creationists are futile. In creationists eyes, they will always be right, so why bother?

    "Debating creationists on the topic of evolution is rather like trying to play chess with a pigeon; it knocks the pieces over, craps on the board, and flies back to its flock to claim victory."

    1. Cadiomals,

      We gave you the opportunity to present your evolutionist case to tens of thousands of people, but you chose to duck the debate offer rather than suffer a humiliating defeat.

      The ball is still in your court.

      We are not going to waste our time with someone who obviously lacks conviction of their alleged evolutionary beliefs.

      And we certainly are not going to keep looking in the rear view mirror and seeing if you change your mind. We are moving forward with our agenda/plan unhindered by an opposition who obviously lacks conviction.

      Unless it is an unqualified acceptance of our debate offer, please do not contact us again as we have no time for phony cowards. We have better things to do.

  8. Please explain to me why there is so little confidence in religion and its beliefs when dealing with science. Why such fear and dislike when discussing evolution.

    1. Britlookingin,

      Are you willing to debate the issue of the
      15 questions for evolutionists
      via a recorded oral debate which would be distributed to tens of thousands of people.

      Are you confident in the validity of your worldview and of the alleged falsity of Christianity and biblical creationism or are you going to slink away or make excuses?

      If you are confident, please make the necessary arrangements via this free chat room:,89538844 You can make the necessary arrangements with the chat room moderators Shockofgod or VivaYehshua?

  9. Hi to you all - not sure if my last reply worked.
    I am not aware that I have have mentioned my worldview. I have not alleged anything about falsity of Chritianity or Chreationism. Am I slinking or making excuses?

    I do expect debate and ask a genuine question about religious confidence and its dealings with Science. In particular the different religious approaches to the different branches of Science - The Natural [physics, chemistry, earth] and the Life Sciences [zoology, botony, biology]. Evolution is but an aspect of science development and understanding, surely not?

    1. Brit,

      A few points:

      1. Are you an atheist?

      2. You didn't accept the debate offer despite the fact that I am giving you an opportunity to present your evolutionist views to tens of thousands of people. Until you show some confidence in your evolutionary belief, I don't see the value of having a dialogue with you. I have found that internet evolutionists tend to be insincere cowards.

  10. I have a worrying feeling that I am talking to a computer, an automated answering machine. Plus is it me or are you being rude to me? I said that I am trying to debate. I am not offering you any "views" on anything, just asking questions. A bit confused here - do I need to already "believe" something, before any discussion with you.

    I am not an "internet evolutionist" whatever that may be. I dont believe in deities when you ask me about atheism. I see there are sincere believers on this blog who also seem to get the same slightly rude treamtment. I am not insincere and certainly not a coward, so stop using such terms.

    Tell me more about your debate. I will check out the link also.

    1. Britinlookin,

      You began off rude. Making unsupported accusations in this blog comment of yours:

      "Please explain to me why there is so little confidence in religion and its beliefs when dealing with science. Why such fear and dislike when discussing evolution."

      Second, we are offering a debate centered around the
      15 questions for evolutionists
      via a recorded oral debate which would be distributed to tens of thousands of people.

      Please make the necessary debate arrangements via this free chat room:,89538844 You can make the necessary arrangements with the chat room moderators Shockofgod or VivaYehshua

      If you want to know more about a potential debate, any and all questions should be directed to Shockofgod or VivaYehshua

      There will be no future communication with you via this blog until you accept a debate offer and carry through with the debate.

    2. Britlookinin,


      I would attempt to contact Shockofgod or VivaYehshua at,89538844 in the evening or weekend USA time.

      Alternatively, you can contact Shockofgod via his YouTube email at

      I hope you follow through.

    3. Dear Sarah Palin is a ******,

      Your comment was not posted as you do not allow filthy language in our comment section.

      Just another sad example of a low class atheist/evolutionist.

  11. And exactly why is Atheism such a bad thing? People can believe, or in this case lack belief in what they want. I find it extremely rude in wanting to "grind up" Atheism and other non-believing beliefs.

    "low class atheist/evolutionist." - now you're really starting to anger me...

    1. Crash,

      A few things:

      1. What proof and evidence do you have that atheism is true? The reason I ask is that there is plenty of evidence that Christianity is true:

      2. Are you willing to have a debate centered around the 15 questions for evolutionists (see: )
      via a recorded oral debate which would be distributed to tens of thousands of people.

      If you are confident in your evolutionary beliefs, please make the necessary arrangements via this free chat room:,89538844 You can make the necessary arrangements with the chat room moderators Shockofgod or VivaYehshua. Alternatively, you can email Shockofgod via his YouTube email at

      If you want to know more about the debate, any and all questions should be directed to Shockofgod or VivaYehshua

      There will be no future communication with you via this blog until you accept this debate offer and carry through with the debate.


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