The Question evolution! campaign is making greater inroads into India. A goal was set by a member of our group to make greater inroads into India and it was recently achieved.
In March of 2012, according to the web traffic tracking company Alexa the website of Creation Ministries International, which is, received 3.5 percent of their web traffic from India. As of September 27, 2012, their website receives 5% of their web traffic from India. In addition, according to Quantcast, now receives a slightly above average amount of their web traffic from India whereas in March of 2012, it was receiving below average traffic from India.
There is a lot of growth potential in India for the gospel. For example, I recently heard a report of a church in Chennai (Madras) which has approximately 25,000 members and it is made up of 90% ex-Hindus. In addition, there are other churches like this in Chennai as well other parts of India. Christianity has been in this part of India for some time. For example, Madras Christian College, which was founded in 1837, is one of the oldest Christian Colleges in India.
Will this have an effect on North American, Britain and Europe as a whole? Yes, it will due to immigration and global communication. The Birbeck, University of London professor Eric Kaufmann declared to a secular audience in a lecture titled Shall the religious inherit the earth: "The trends that are happening worldwide inevitably in an age of globalization are going to affect us." The prophet Daniel wrote of the end times: "But as for you, Daniel, conceal these words and seal up the book until the end of time; many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase." (Daniel 12:4).
India has made significant economic progress in recent years and has developed a higher skilled workforce and people with greater wealth. As a result, Indian citizens are able to immigrate to other countries more easily than the citizens of many countries. For example, in the United States there are many Indians in high skilled fields and many successful Indian business people. During my travels, I encountered the "Patel Motel" phenomena first hand in the United States. In 1999, the Asian American Hotel Association reported that slightly more than 50 percent of all motels in the United States were owned by people of Indian origin. Also, next week I am having dentistry done by someone of Indian descent.
Besides having ambitious goals for Question Evolution! Campaign and its 15 questions for evolutionists in North America, the UK, Europe, Australia, South Africa, Korea, Latin America, China, Taiwan and the rest of the world, I personally would like to see the campaign expand significantly in India.
We have a goal of helping to increase Creation Ministries International's creation evangelism efforts in the United States by at least 600% and helping creation evangelism expand by 400% in the world. Due to the explosive growth of global Christianity/creationism in the world and its expected affects on the Western World and our plans to take aggressive and strategic creation evangelism efforts, we believe this is very achievable. For more information please see: Our group's plan, strategy and tactics for advancing the Question Evolution! Campaign
Johnson C. Philip
There are some wonderful Christian Indian creationists in India. One of the more prominent Christian creationist is Johnson C. Philip and he has made some valuable contributions to the Christian apologetics field (Christian apologetics is the discipline which concerns itself with defending the Christian faith). A excellent biography of Johnson C. Philip is available at CreationWiki plus another good biography of Dr. Philip can be found at at Brethrenpedia It would be great to get Dr. Philip involved in the campaign and/or people he recommends.
Our Question Evolution! group believes that the cultivating friendly relationships with our Christian creationist brethren in India would be a wonderful thing to do and it would make the biblical creation movement stronger plus make the Question evolution! campaign stronger. This is especially true when it comes to the internet presence of the Question evolution campaign as far as English speaking countries. Obviously, the more English speaking countries that are involved in the campaign, the stronger than campaign will be in terms of prominence on the English speaking portion of the internet. We also want the campaign to expand into other languages as well. The Great Commission is for all nations of the world after all. See also: Top 10 languages for turbocharging creation evangelism. Our Question Evolution! teams translating goals
Indian elephants picture
The blog picture features Indian elephants. In 2010, the elephant was officially declared the National Heritage Animal by the government of India.
Related article
Rise of global creationism. Information on the Question Evolution! Campaign!
Question Evolution! Campaign resources and other resources:
Question Evolution! Campaign
15 questions for evolutionists
Responses to the 15 Questions: part 1 - Questions 1-3
Responses to the 15 Questions: part 2 - Questions 4–8
Responses to the 15 Questions: part 2 - Questions 9-15
India evangelism
End Time Zion Church in Chennai
Photo credits:
Source:,Munnar.JPG, Transferred from ml.wikipedia; transferred to Commons by User:Sreejithk2000 using CommonsHelper.
Title: Wild elephants in Munnar, Kerala
Author: Aruna at ml.wikipedia,
Permission: CC-BY-SA-3.0.
License: Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license, see:
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