2013 is quickly approaching. So it is time for our Question evolution! campaign to chart out our group's vision for the coming year. 2012 was a very bad year in the history of Darwinism - just like predicted! See our article 2012 has been a very BAD year for Darwinism and atheism just like we predicted!
As a result, we want to keep the momentum going! We want to make 2013 the worst year in the history of evolutionary belief, atheism and agnosticism!
Other Christians may slow down during the upcoming holiday season! We are pouring it on! Would the Apostle Paul be bogged down with turkey, gravy, holiday hams and excessive consumerism? No! And neither will we!
"Do you not know that those who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win." - Apostle Paul
2012 was a BAD year for evolutionism, atheism and agnosticism
5 things our Question Evolution! Campaign blog covered in 2012:
1. How biblical Christianity and belief in biblical creation are rapidly expanding around the world even in places like secular France. Christianity and belief in biblical creation is exploding in adherents For example, even in secular France evangelicalism is the fastest growing religion. See: European creationism
2. How badly Darwinism, atheism and agnosticism are doing in terms of public interest, adherents and internet presence. See: Global decline of atheism/agnosticism and the rise of Christianity and Decline of internet atheism
3. Why evolutionism is an intellectual wasteland based on gut feelings and rebellion to biblical authority. See: 15 questions for evolutionists and Evolutionary gut feelings, "Belief in Evolution Boils Down to a Gut Feeling" and Why is evolution pushed by dogmatic evolutionists?
4. Our Question Evolution! Campaign group's activities, strategies and goals (see: Our group's plan, strategy and tactics for advancing the Question Evolution! Campaign).
5. The activities of Creation Ministries International and other Christian/creationist organizations.
Making 2013 be the WORST year in the history of evolutionism, atheism and agnosticism
A few reasons why 2013 will be the worst year in the history of Darwinism. atheism and evolutionism: First, there are already a lot of trends which are adverse to Darwinism, atheism and agnosticism. See: Trends against Darwinism, atheism and agnosticism
Next, the famous military strategist Sun Tzu wrote in his classic work The Art of War: If an enemy has alliances, the problem is grave and the enemy's position strong; if he has no alliances the problem is minor and the enemy's position weak.
So how many alliances and internet alliances can Creation Ministries International create through engaging in internet evangelism, creation evangelism and promoting the Question Evolution! Campaign via its 15 questions for evolutionists web page and other resources which are developed.
In our 12 point plan for accelerating the growth of Christianity and the decline of global atheism, agnosticism and evolutionism we wrote:
Work with Christian groups, such as Christian ministries which have some focus on Christian evangelism, the evolution/atheism issue, defending Christianity, Christian maturity, etc. and co-develop initiatives to spread Christianity faster and help cause evolutionism/atheism to decline faster.I did some quick research on this matter today and found how many websites are citing various popular Christian websites which have a biblical Christianity outlook via linking to their websites. Christians helping each other spread our various messages is important as various ministries have different focuses/specialties.
In addition, establish mutually beneficial relationships where we distribute each others material. For example, linking to each other websites, emails, etc. Through teamwork and creating synergistic initiatives many times a lot more can be accomplished.
30 Popular Bible believing websites by how many websites are linking to their websites
Christian websites - Other websites referring people to their websites
1. Biblegateway.com 225,000 websites
2. Crosswalk.com 100,000 websites
3. Christianpost.com 90,000 websites
4. Christiananswers.net 81,000 websites
5. Ccel.org 72,000 websites
6. Answersingenesis.org 62,000 websites
7. Blueletterbible.org 48,000 websites
8. Ag.org 42,000 websites
9. Carm.org 40,000 websites
10. Biola.edu 40,000 websites
11. Gotquestions.org 35,000 websites
12. Christianity.com 34,000 websites
13. Lcms.org 32,000 websites
14. Icr.org 30,000 websites
15. Liberty.edu 30,000 websites
16. Sbc.net 29,000 websites
17. Rbc.org 28,000 websites
18. Wels.net 22,500 websites
19. Gospel.com 22,500 websites
20. Gty.org 21,000 websites
21. Sermonaudio.com 20,000 websites
22. Allaboutgod.com 17,500 websites
23. Albertmohler.com 16,000 websites
24. Biblestudytools.com 15,000 websites
25. Probe.org 15,000 websites
26. Ligonier.org 14,500 websites
27. Tektonics.org 14,000 websites
28. Str.org 14,000 websites
29. Rzim.org 12,000 websites
30. Odb.org 7,000 websites
Below is the web traffic figures of the top 5 websites above according to Compete.com:
1. Biblegateway - 3,550, 000 unique visitors a month
2. Crosswalk.com - 420, 000 unique visitors a month
3. Christianpost.com - 2,000,000 unique visitors a month
4. Christiananswers.net - 290,000 unique visitors a month
5. Ccel.org - 160,000 unique visitors a month
In addition, some Christian organizations such as internet evangelism organizations own multiple websites.
In June of 2011, the internet evangelism organization Global Media Outreach reported:
Worldwide:In the last 5 years, Christians have been a lot more active on the internet. Websites like Biblegateway.com and Christianpost.com have done an outstanding job of creating useful content and aggressively promoting their websites among Christendom. They are seeing millions of visitors a month to their websites.
• Shared the Gospel with more than 150 million people
• Saw 19,287,789 indicate that they prayed in faith to receive Jesus Christ
• With 2,550,732 requesting follow-up from one of our 7,588 trained volunteer online missionaries
• 4,507,155 discipleship visits
• All 195 countries
It is time for believers in biblical creation to aggressively get their message out within Christendom and throughout the world! The author John Noe said "High achievers make no small plans". Creationist must have big plans if we are going to extinguish evolutionary belief in the quickest manner possible. Biblegateway.com had big plans and creationist should have big plans too. Biblical creationist definitely need as many Christians and Christian websites helping them to enthusiastically spread their message. Imagine the power of many Christians sharing the Question Evolution! Campaign with others.
Our Question Evolution! Campaign is definitely going to tell a lot of Christians and Christians website owners about the ministry of Creation Ministries International and its various initiatives including the 15 questions for evolutionists. One effective way to defeat Darwinism is to inoculate Christian young people against evolutionary indoctrination.
In addition, we want to help Creation Ministries International with their internet evangelism efforts. See: Internet evangelism is powerful especially when it is combined with creation evangelism
"If we dedicate ourselves over and over again to the goal of climbing one peak to the next…resisting the urge to become discouraged by the task-every one of us can become a high achiever." - John R. Noe
Making 2013 the worst year in the history of evolutionism, atheism, agnosticism - Part 2
For part 2 of this series about the year 2013 see:
Making 2013 be the WORST year in the history of evolutionism, atheism and agnostiism - Part 2
Creating a powerful biblical creation spreading and Darwinism destroying machine in 2013
My favorite coach of all time is Coach Herb Brooks who coached the 1980 United States Olympics Hockey team which prevailed over the Soviet team. Sports Illustrated said of the game: "It may just be the single most indelible moment in all of U.S. sports history". Brooks was innovative, shrewd, hard working and very mental tough. The movie Miracle is a very inspiring movie.
My favorite lines of Coach Brooks in the movie Miracle, which were based on interviews with people who knew Herb Brooks were:
"We also need to change the way we play the game. My plan is to adopt a new style.
A hybrid of the Soviet school and the Canadian school. A combination that requires the highest level of conditioning, speed, creativity, and most of all, team chemistry." - Coach Herb Brooks in the movie Miracle
Concerning playing against the Soviet Team: "But I also know there is a way to stay with this team. You don't defend them. You attack them! You take their game and you shove it right back in their face. The team that is finally willing to do this is the team that has a chance to take them down. The NHL won't change their game, we will. The rest of the world is afraid of them. Boys, we won't be. No one has ever worked hard enough to skate with the Soviet team an entire game. Gentlemen, we are going to work hard enough." - Coach Herb Brooks in the movie Miracle
"Lets be idealistic, but lets also be practical." - Coach Herb Brooks in the movie Miracle "You can't be common, the common man goes nowhere; you have to be uncommon."- Coach Herb Brooks in the movie Miracle
"Great moments are born from great opportunities."- Coach Herb Brooks in the movie Miracle
"You want to make sacrifices for the unknown"- Coach Herb Brooks in the movie Miracle
" Win, lose or tie. You are going to play like champions." - Coach Herb Brooks in the movie Miracle Believers in biblical creation are going to have to innovative, hardworking and mental tough if we want to end Darwinism in the quickest manner possible. We are going to have make sacrifices.
Christianity has conquered many false religions and ideologies in its history. We know that Darwinism, atheism and agnosticism are weak ideologies and their influence is growing weaker. 2012 was a very BAD year for Darwinism and atheism. We also know that these secular ideologies are expected to shrink at an accelerated rate. So let's pour the pressure on by promoting Christianity and biblical creation.
Take action today!
We believe we have developed a sound 12 point plan for helping Christianity rapidly expand and for shrinking evolutionism, atheism and agnosticism.
12 point for accelerating the growth of Christianity and the decline of global atheism, agnosticism and evolutionism
Our group's plan, strategy and tactics for advancing the Question Evolution! Campaign
Making 2013 be the WORST year in the history of evolutionism, atheism and agnostiism - Part 2
Get involved in the Question Evolution! Campaign and spread its 15 questions for evolutionists. Tell people about Creation Ministries International. An exciting ministry which engages in internet evangelism, creation apologetics, Christian apologetics (general defenses Christianity) is being born.
Related articles on our blog
Making 2012 the worst year in the history of Darwinism
Global decline of atheism and the rise of global creationism. Information on the Question Evolution! Campaign!
Creation Ministries International is inoculating young people against Darwinism. Let's break the back of Darwinism!
Other resources
Question Evolution! Campaign
15 questions for evolutionists
Responses to the 15 Questions: part 1 - Questions 1-3
Responses to the 15 Questions: part 2 - Questions 4–8
Responses to the 15 Questions: part 2 - Questions 9-15
Refuting evolution
Evidence for Christianity
Additional Evidence for Christianity
Photo and graphic credits:
1. All graphics are from http://www.clker.com/. For example, 2013 calendar at http://www.clker.com/clipart-january-2013-desk-calendar.html
2. Statue
Description |
English: Enchoen in Yurihama, Tottori prefecture, Japan
Date | 27 September 2008 |
Source | 663highland |
Author | 663highland |
License: This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. |
Pray tell, what will 2014 be like for evolutionary belief? 2015? 2016? 2017? 2018? I'm just DYING to know! XD
DeleteAddressing the information at Global decline of atheism and the rise of global creationism. Information on the Question Evolution! Campaign! and using proof and evidence of your own, please make a case for your position on this matter.
Please do this before I comment further. I would hate to waste my time with an insincere and/or irrational atheist/evolutionist.
DeleteA quick addendum before you reply or scamper away like the insincere, evolutionist coward that I suspect you are!
Have you seen this: Proof and evidence that the Question Evolution! Campaign is growing in America - Independent third party evidence?
Definitely not good news for dogmatic evolutionists!
"Dogmatic" evolutionists? That is one of the most laughable phrases I have heard this week.
DeleteEvolution is not "dogmatic" because it is not a religion but just a falsifiable scientific theory, like every other scientific theories. The only reason that you Christians haven't succeeded to "debunk" it yet is you couldn't find any evidence to disprove it. Want to disprove evolution? Bring any fossil rabbit in a pre-Cambrian rock.
And even if Evolution were dogmatic, isn't your religion is a real dogmatic one? If you think it is OK, why do you think it is bad for other things being dogmatic? You have some problem with dogma? By what can I falsify Christianity? What evidence should I show you to make you say Jesus is a made-up story? Nothing, isn't it?
Jeong-hun Sin,
DeleteA few points:
1. We provided plenty of evidence for Christianity via the other resources section of this post. See: http://questionevolution.blogspot.com/2012/09/evidence-for-christianity-websites-and.html
2. Evolutionism and atheism are both religious. Atheism is a religion. See: http://creation.com/atheism-a-religion
Evolution is a religion. Michael Ruse, an atheist and evolutionist science philosopher admitted, “Evolution is a religion. This was true of evolution in the beginning, and it is true of evolution still today.” See: http://creation.com/15-questions
Jeong-hun Sin, are you an atheist? If so, what proof and evidence do you have that atheism is true?
3. As far as historical investigations as far as origins science and the social science of history, see: http://questionevolution.blogspot.com/2012/09/origins-science-and-avoiding-logical.html
4. Are you willing to have a debate centered around the
15 questions for evolutionists (see: http://creation.com/15-questions) via a recorded oral debate which would be distributed to tens of thousands of people?
If you are confident in your evolutionary beliefs, please make the necessary arrangements via this free chat room: http://login.meetcheap.com/conference,89538844 You can make the necessary arrangements with the chat room moderators Shockofgod or VivaYehshua. Alternatively, you can email Shockofgod via his YouTube email at http://www.youtube.com/user/shockofgod
If you want to know more about the debate, any and all questions should be directed to Shockofgod or VivaYehshua
There will be no future communication with you via this blog until you accept this debate offer and carry through with the debate.
I would just like to say that evolution is in no way a religion. Atheism, defiantly, but evolution, no. It would be like saying that the atomic theory is a religion.
DeleteOn another point, why do so many Christians hate evolution. Don't they realize the two can co-exist? I'm a Catholic, I've been one my whole life, but i accept evolution. Please read this quote:
Thank You.
DeleteEvolutionism is a religion and the facts do not support it.
Are you willing to have a debate centered around the 15 questions for evolutionists (see: http://creation.com/15-questions )
via a recorded oral debate which would be distributed to tens of thousands of people.
If you are confident in your evolutionary beliefs, please make the necessary arrangements via this free chat room: http://login.meetcheap.com/conference,89538844 You can make the necessary arrangements with the chat room moderators Shockofgod or VivaYehshua. Alternatively, you can email Shockofgod via his YouTube email at http://www.youtube.com/user/shockofgod
If you want to know more about the debate, any and all questions should be directed to Shockofgod or VivaYehshua
Perhaps at some time i would like to debate those fifteen questions, as I am a evolutionist. But for the moment, I would like to take these things step by step, starting with my belief that evolution is in no way a religion. My second thing I would like to debate is the possibility of Christianity and evolution co-existing. I would debate these two things on the website you have recommended.
DeleteOne day, maybe I'll tackle the 15 questions and also the statement you professed that "...the facts do not support..." evolution
Thank You.
DeleteParents and bosses are not impressed by your promises of you someday doing things. Neither are we.
You obviously don't feel confident in evolutionism or you would publicly debate it in a situation in a situation where the debate would be widely distributed.
We really don't have anything to further discuss with you at this point.
What? I'm rather confused, but hey, because you keep wanting it to happen, I'll debate you. Happily, I even suggested that in my comment earlier.
DeleteWe gave you easy to follow instructions to set up the debate. Until you follow through and the debate takes place, we remain skeptical. Too many cases of evolutionists/atheists backing out of debates have occurred. For example, the British Humanist Society agreed to debate Dr. William Lane Craig and then backed out of the debate. See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yhz6cPZAUNg
"• Shared the Gospel with more than 150 million people
ReplyDelete• Saw 19,287,789 indicate that they prayed in faith to receive Jesus Christ"
So less than one in seven of the people approached by this group reported praying to Jesus? Amazing. As one in THREE people globally are chistians this looks like an epic fail; they appear to be actually turning over half of the christians they preach to away from christianity. Looks like 2013 is going to be a very bad year for global evangelism...
DeleteIncluding yourself, I think you are underestimating the sinful and evil nature of mankind.
Here is the biblical view of mankind and salvation:
"The heart is deceitfully wicked above all things. Who can understand it" - the prophet Jeremiah
"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it." - Jesus
"Many are called, but few are chosen" - Jesus
Furthermore, are you an atheist or agnostic. If so, how does your "logic" apply to atheism/agnosticism in terms of them failing/succeeding in relation to theism?
Also, please address this:
The Christian Post article provides this key information:
Only about 30 percent of those who grow up in an atheist household remain atheists as adults. This "retention rate" was the lowest among the 20 separate categories in the study.
"What these findings reflect is that in the U.S. atheists are for the most part 'made' as adults after being raised in another faith. It appears to be much more challenging to raise one's child as an atheist and have them maintain this identity in their life," Dr. Mark Gray wrote at CARA's blog....
Baptists had the highest retention rate of the Protestant Christian categories at 60 percent, followed by Lutheran (59 percent) and Pentecostal (50 percent).
In addition, according to recent research by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life, in the United States, a majority of those surveyed who were raised in atheist/agnostic households, or where there was no specific religious attachment, later chose to join a religious faith (see: Defectors to faith mark a growing trend and Faith in Flux Changes in Religious Affiliation in the U.S.).
Also, in atheistic communist China, Christianity is is experiencing
explosive growth (see also: Christianity is exploding in China). Plus, Christianity is on the upswing in atheistic Japan - especially among the youth (see: Christianity on the upswing in Japan).
See: http://questionevolution.blogspot.com/2012/07/georgetown-university-study-reveals-key.html
Well done on completely ignoring the point I made. Of course that's typical of you; you NEVER actually address the points anyone raised, preferring to just throw a handful of quotes and dubious statistics in their face.
ReplyDeleteNow, what about that debate challenge I made? Are you going to allow that comment or not?
ReplyDeleteAre you willing to have a debate centered around the 15 questions for evolutionists (see: http://creation.com/15-questions )
via a recorded oral debate which would be distributed to tens of thousands of people.
If you are confident in your evolutionary beliefs, please make the necessary arrangements via this free chat room: http://login.meetcheap.com/conference,89538844 You can make the necessary arrangements with the chat room moderators Shockofgod or VivaYehshua. Alternatively, you can email Shockofgod via his YouTube email at http://www.youtube.com/user/shockofgod
If you want to know more about the debate, any and all questions should be directed to Shockofgod or VivaYehshua
There will be no future communication with you via this blog until you accept this debate offer and carry through with the debate.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteSorry, argument by mere assertion is not going to cut the mustard.
The truth is that there is a myriad of facts supporting biblical creation and refuting evolutionism. See: http://creation.com/creation-answers
The avid marijuana smoking agnostic Carl Sagan, who said he received his best scientific insights while pot smoking, is often cited in the "evolution is fact" column. A number of atheist/agnostic cranks are quoted as saying this. This does not make it true though.
We will give you the opportunity to present your errant evolutionism to tens of thousands of people despite the fact that global creationism is exploding in adherents and Darwinism is still struggling for public acceptance even in its homeland of the UK. See: http://questionevolution.blogspot.com/2012/06/down-with-evolutionary-belief-down-with.html and http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4648598.stm
In January 2006, the BBC reported concerning Britain:
"Just under half of Britons accept the theory of evolution as the best description for the development of life, according to an opinion poll.
Furthermore, more than 40% of those questioned believe that creationism or intelligent design (ID) should be taught in school science lessons." See: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4648598.stm
Are you willing to have a debate centered around the 15 questions for evolutionists (see: http://creation.com/15-questions )
via a recorded oral debate which would be distributed to tens of thousands of people.
If you are confident in your evolutionary beliefs, please make the necessary arrangements via this free chat room: http://login.meetcheap.com/conference,89538844 You can make the necessary arrangements with the chat room moderators Shockofgod or VivaYehshua. Alternatively, you can email Shockofgod via his YouTube email at http://www.youtube.com/user/shockofgod
If you want to know more about the debate, any and all questions should be directed to Shockofgod or VivaYehshua
There will be no future communication with you via this blog until you accept this debate offer and carry through with the debate.
La la la - I can't hear or see your evidence science. I can't see or hear my god, either, but I have faith in HIM while I have no faith in science. Why? Because my parents brainwashed me/I found friends in religion/the hottest chick in class went to church.
ReplyDeleteSo you keep telling me about science, and I will keep ignoring you in favour of my own self-evident "truthiness".
DeleteYou certainly offered no proof that nobody has heard God or that I have not heard God. It is mere assertion.
Second, evolutionism and atheism are not science. Evolutionism is pseudoscience and based on gut feelings at best. See: http://questionevolution.blogspot.com/2012/02/evolutionary-gut-feelings-belief-in.html and http://creation.com/refuting-evolution-index
Third, what proof and evidence do you have that atheism is true?
Fourth, unlike evolutionism and atheism, Christianity has proof and evidence: http://questionevolution.blogspot.com/2012/09/evidence-for-christianity-websites-and.html
Fifth, are you willing to have a debate centered around the 15 questions for evolutionists (see: http://creation.com/15-questions )
via a recorded oral debate which would be distributed to tens of thousands of people.
If you are confident in your evolutionary beliefs, please make the necessary arrangements via this free chat room: http://login.meetcheap.com/conference,89538844 You can make the necessary arrangements with the chat room moderators Shockofgod or VivaYehshua. Alternatively, you can email Shockofgod via his YouTube email at http://www.youtube.com/user/shockofgod
If you want to know more about the debate, any and all questions should be directed to Shockofgod or VivaYehshua
There will be no future communication with you via this blog until you accept this debate offer and carry through with the debate.
ReplyDeleteWe know who the joker is and it definitely you. You certainly didn't offer a strong argument and/or evidence for agnosticism.
"Complete agnosticism is self-defeating; it reduces to the self-destructing assertion that "one knows enough about reality in order to affirm that nothing can be known about reality." This statement provides within itself all that is necessary to falsify itself. For if one knows something about reality, then he surely cannot affirm in the same breath that all of reality is unknowable. And of course if one knows nothing whatsoever about reality, then he has no basis whatsoever for making a statement about reality. It will not suffice to say that his knowledge about reality is purely and completely negative, that is, a knowledge of what one cannot meaningfully affirm that something is not – that it follows that total agnosticism is self-defeating because it assumes some knowledge about reality in order to deny any knowledge of reality" Norman Geisler, Apologetics, p. 20.
Furthermore, there is plenty of evidence for the existence of God and for Christianity: http://questionevolution.blogspot.com/2012/09/evidence-for-christianity-websites-and.html
I believe you are merely a Darwinist blowhard.
Are you willing to have a debate centered around the 15 questions for evolutionists (see: http://creation.com/15-questions )
via a recorded oral debate which would be distributed to tens of thousands of people.
If you are confident in your evolutionary beliefs, please make the necessary arrangements via this free chat room: http://login.meetcheap.com/conference,89538844 You can make the necessary arrangements with the chat room moderators Shockofgod or VivaYehshua. Alternatively, you can email Shockofgod via his YouTube email at http://www.youtube.com/user/shockofgod
If you want to know more about the debate, any and all questions should be directed to Shockofgod or VivaYehshua
There will be no future communication with you via this blog until you accept this debate offer and carry through with the debate.
Wanting for something to be true is not going to be true. If you have evidence for your case, they can be reviewed, unless of course that those "proofs" come from certain christian institute. What I see here is hatred towards evidence, and to counter them, you prefer to lie to the whole world and make them more ignorant, spending time spreading fantasies rather than spending time studying. Studying these topics takes hours everyday, everyday. Lying on the interwebz takes 5 minutes, once a month
Delete2013 is going to be the worst year in the history of Darwinism and you better to get used to this idea. There is plenty of data indicating that 2012 was a bad year for evolutionism and in recent timesevolutionism/atheism/agnosticism have fared quite badly in the world. See: http://questionevolution.blogspot.com/2012/06/down-with-evolutionary-belief-down-with.html
Second, are you an atheist? If so, do you have any proof and evidence that atheism is true?
Third, we are willing to review your alleged evidence for evolutionism and we certainly have plenty of evidence for biblical creation. See: creation.com/creation-answers
We are willing to do this in a debate format.
Are you willing to have a debate centered around the 15 questions for evolutionists (see: http://creation.com/15-questions )
via a recorded oral debate which would be distributed to tens of thousands of people.
If you are confident in your evolutionary beliefs, please make the necessary arrangements via this free chat room: http://login.meetcheap.com/conference,89538844 You can make the necessary arrangements with the chat room moderators Shockofgod or VivaYehshua. Alternatively, you can email Shockofgod via his YouTube email at http://www.youtube.com/user/shockofgod
If you want to know more about the debate, any and all questions should be directed to Shockofgod or VivaYehshua
There will be no future communication with you via this blog until you accept this debate offer and carry through with the debate.