On December 26, 2011, we said we wanted to help make 2012 the worst year in the history of Darwinism. Is there any proof and evidence that 2012 is shaping up to be the worst year in the history of Darwinism and atheism? Yes, there is! You have come to the right place!
We have some exciting news concerning a key creation vs. evolution battleground area of the United States plus some additional charts to share with you.
Charts indicating that atheism is heading for trouble in the USA in 2012
As can be seen in the upper graphs of the Google Trends graphs below, people are showing less and less and less interest in atheism and prominent atheists in the first part of 2012 especially beginning in April:
1. Google trends for the search atheists in 2012:
2. Google trends for the search atheist in 2012:
3. Google trends for the search atheism in 2012:
4. Google trends for the search Richard Dawkins in 2012:
5. Web traffic for RichardDawkins.net according to Alexa.com:
6. Web traffic to Richarddawkins.net - unique visitors a month - Compete.com - 4/2011 to 4/2012
7. Google trends for the search PZ Myers in 2012:
Want to see some dramatic charts showing that atheism has had a bad 5 years?
Here is some charts and information showing that atheism has had a rough patch for the past 5 years!
Everything is big in Texas - especially grassroots anti-evolution campaigns!
Today we spoke to a key Texas opponent of Darwinism who has examined the Question Evolution! Campaign. The call went extremely well! In June of 2012, we will begin working on spreading the campaign in 3 key areas of Texas initially and then spreading the campaign throughout the state. Yippie-yi-yo-ki-yay! Move over little Texas evolutionist doggies, big ole' Question evolution! dog movin' in!
We have a list of 500 Texas churches and their contact information which we will be using in this second phase of Texas outreach.
Is the public tiring of hearing evolutionary bunk? How stale and boring is evolutionary bunk and evobabble? Is there a way to measure it? Can we see how much public interest in evolutionism has waned in the last 7 years?
You are going to be amazed on how boring Darwinism nonsense truly is!
Does the public want a change?
The year 2009 was the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin's birth and it also was the 150th anniversary of the publication of his racist work On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.
According to an international poll released by the British Council, the majority of Americans -- 60% -- support teaching alternatives to evolution in the science classroom. The percentage is the same for Britons, despite the fact that both countries have been inundated with pro-Darwin media coverage in this super-mega Darwin Year.
Of course, the British media reporting this are chagrined. Britain is the birthplace of Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution, and the official-sounding British Council, the UK group behind the "Darwin Now" campaign that commissioned the Ipsos MORI poll, have spent precious resources educating the world about Darwin. Now some believe the poll shows that efforts by Darwinist organizations aren't working.
Clearly many in the public are suspicious of the lies of Darwinists and believe something is amiss. Since the Scripture declares that the beauty. majesty and design of creation testifies to the existence of God, this is hardly surprising (Romans 1:18-22, Psalm 19:1-4).
Is atheism insipid and boring? Does it make people's eyes glaze over?
Since World War II a majority of the most prominent defenders of the evolutionary position which uses methodological naturalism have been atheists. This is the type of evolutionism promoted in public schools.
A few relevant quotes about atheism:
"Among the repulsions of atheism for me has been its drastic un-interestingness as an intellectual position. Where was the ingenuity, the ambiguity, the humanity of saying that the universe just happened to happen and that when we're dead we're dead?" - John Updike
"I have a fundamental belief in the Bible as the Word of God, written by men who were inspired. I study the Bible daily. Opposition to godliness is atheism in profession and idolatry in practice. Atheism is so senseless and odious to mankind that it never had many professors." - Sir Isaac Newton
Google trends for the search evolution
As can be seen in the upper graph of the Google Trends graphs below, people are showing less and less and less interest in "evolution" during the period from 2004-2011:
As you can see in the upper graph of Google Trends graphs above, the public is showing less and less interest in evolution.
Granted there are products which incorporate the word "evolution" in their title so we will take a look at the searches theory of evolution, evolutionary theory and evolution using the service Google Insights for Search also.
Google Insights for Search Trends for the searches evolution, theory of evolution and evolutionary theory
With Google Insights for Search, you can compare search volume patterns across specific regions, categories, time frames and properties.
1. Theory of evolution, Google Insights for Search:
It also seems as if the evolutionists are having a hard time convincing people that evolution is a bona fide scientific theory.
2. Evolutionary theory, Google Insights for Search:
3. Evolution, Google Insights for Search:
World interest in Jesus keeps increasing while interest in barren and stale evolutionism and atheism keeps waning
In some previous posts, we demonstrate that world interest in Jesus is exploding while interest in the evolutionary and atheistic nonsense is declining.
1. So how is interest in Jesus compared to interest in the evolutionists Richard Dawkins and PZ Myers in terms of growing or declining interest?
2.Has interest in the so called "theory of evolution" increased in the last 5 years or dropped?
With Google Insights for Search, you can compare search volume patterns across specific regions, categories, time frames and properties.
Google Insights for Search Trends
1. Jesus - Google Insights for Search
2. Web traffic to Richarddawkins.net in terms of global market share according to the web traffic tracking company Alexa:
3. Agnostic and evolutionist Richard Dawkins - unique visitors a month Compete.com - 4/2011 to 4/2012
4. Atheist and evolutionist PZ Myers - Google Insights for Search:
5. Google Trends for the search evolution
As can be seen in the upper graph of the Google Trends graphs below, people are showing less and less and less interest in "evolution" during the period from 2004-2011:
As you can see in the upper graph of Google Trends graphs above, the public is showing less and less interest in evolution.
Granted there are products which incorporate the word "evolution" in their title so we will take a look at the searches theory of evolution, evolutionary theory and evolution using the service Google Insights for Search also.
Currently, the main 15 questions for evolutionists page has been translated into Spanish, but the various resources it links to have not yet been translated. For example, below each of the 15 questions for evolutionists, there needs to a link to a web page which further explains the importance of that question. You can see that being done on the English version of the 15 questions for evolutionists web page. It is important to educate people so they can explain to other people why Darwinism is wrongheaded.
Translating the campaign into Spanish will make the campaign accessible to Spanish speaking evangelicals in the Americas
Translating the campaign into Spanish, particularly for individuals in the Americas is very important.
Paul Charles Freston, a senior researcher at Baylor University and professor at the Federal University of Sao Carlos, Sao Paulo, predicted that Protestantism would eventually comprise 20 to 35 percent of the population in Latin America, the Latin America and Caribbean Communication Agency reported.
Also, it is estimated that there are 10 million hispanic evangelicals in the United States and the number of American hispanic evangelicals is growing.
Has internet atheism shown a big decline in market share? Is internet atheism losing to Christianity?
Consider these two questions:
1. Has the market share of leading atheist websites plunged in the last 5 years and in 2012?
2. Is global atheism/agnosticism declining and expected to decline in an accelerated fashion?
Before we provide some exciting data/graphs concerning internet atheism and skepticism, we first want to give you some relevant background information.
Is 2012 on its way to be the Worst Year in the History of Darwinism?
On December of 2012, we posted an article at this entitled Making 2012 the Worst Year in the History of Darwinism in which we said that we wanted to make 2012 the worst year in the history of Darwinism. Also, anyone who has followed the creation vs. evolution debate does not find it surprising that post World War II, the most ardent and vocal proponents of evolutionary belief have been atheists/agnostics.
But so far, how are things going for atheism/evolutionism in 2012?
Internet atheism has taken a fall in the last 5 years and in 2012
In 2007, the Bible believer Chuck Norris noted that atheists were making a concerted effort to spread atheism via the internet. As you you will soon see via the graphs below, it has been an abysmal failure! The atheist community flooded the internet with a lot of shallow, ill-reasoned fluff that many in the public quickly dismissed.
Atheists, you forgot one of the most important rules of Business 101: When you have a bad product, increasing the advertising budget is not going to make it a long term success! And atheism is definitely an errant worldview - see the web resources: Atheism and Atheism and skepticism - Questions and Answers
QUESTION: How is internet atheism/skepticism doing on the internet in the last 5 years and in 2012 according to leading web traffic firms?
Web traffic data on leading atheist and skepticism websites
Here are some web traffic graphs from leading atheists websites taken from the leading website web traffic companies of Alexa, Quantcast and Compete:
1. RichardDawkins.net
Web traffic according to Alexa.com:
Compete.com internet traffic data for 4/2011 to 4/2012:
2. Infidels.org
Compete.com internet traffic data for 6/2/07 to 7/30/11
Web traffic according to Alexa.com:
Compete.com internet traffic data for 4/2011 to 4/2012:
3. American Atheists at Atheists.org
Compete.com internet traffic data for 6/2/07 to 7/30/11:
Compete.com internet traffic data for 4/2011 to 4/2012:
Web traffic according to Alexa.com:
(Temporary "Reason Rally" traffic spike for Atheists.org in 2012 but nothing really sustainable)
4. Freethoughtblogs.com - 2012 data
Freethoughtblogs.com - web traffic according to Alexa.com:
Freethoughtblogs.com - Web traffic according to Quantcast.com:
Freethoughtblogs.com - Web traffic according to Quantcast.com:
5. Dan Barker's organization - Freedom From Religion Foundation at ffrf.org
Web traffic according to Alexa.com:
Compete.com internet traffic data for 4/2011 to 4/2012:
(Temporary "Reason Rally" traffic spike for ffrf.org in 2012 but nothing really sustainable)
6. Sam Harris's website - samharris.org
Web traffic according to Alexa.com:
Compete.com internet traffic data for 4/2011 to 4/2012:
7. The-Brights.net - Brights Movement
Compete.com internet traffic data for 4/2011 to 4/2012:
As you can see, the atheists within the Brights Movement are not exceedingly bright!
Other atheists/evolutionist websites which have lost traffic
Ineffectiveness of internet atheists PZ Myers, Thunderf00t and others
Of course, the ineffectiveness of the agnosticism and evolutionism apologist Richard Dawkins can also be said of internet atheism apologists such as PZ Myers, Thunderf00t, TheAmazingAtheists and others. The big losses in internet traffic of leading atheism websites in recent years is not surprising since they often repeat the same inane and ineffective atheism talking points. Babbling on about unicorns, leprechauns and Santa Claus and other atheist claptrap only goes so far. See: Internet atheism: the thrill is gone
Thunderfoot's abysmal performance with his discussion with evangelist Ray Comfort helped further demonstrate that atheism cannot withstand cross examination. The same could be said of creation scientists largely winning the public creation vs. evolution debates
Public domain, see: http://www.bestthinking.com/thinkers/business_and_finance/sales_and_marketing/consumer_behavior/ekant-veer?tab=blog&blogpostid=16381%2c16381
2. Are Question Evolution! Campaign activists taking steps to reach more young people? These are very important questions since crushing Darwinism will require reaching more young people (see our blog post Inoculating young people against Darwinism).
Consider this information from the web traffic tracking company Quantcast concerning the web traffic Creation Ministries International's website Creation.com:
Is the outreach to young people progressing?
As you can see Creation Ministries International's website traffic percentage wise is very favorable among the 18-24 age group.
We believe this is due in part to our Question Evolution! Campaign group's recent outreach to young people. In addition, our Question Evolution! Campaign group is presently working on making outreach to young people even better.
In 2012 it was reported there are 800 less atheists each day in the world
In 2012, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (GCTS) reported that every day there are 800 less atheists per day, 1,100 less non-religious (agnostic) people per day and 83,000 more people professing to be Christians per day (see: Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary - status of Global Mission report).
Global market share declining and atheistic societies and birth rates
In 2009, the book A sceptics guide to atheism indicated: "A worldwide poll taken in 1991 put the global figure for atheists at just 4.4% of the population. By 2006 it was estimated that only 2% of the world population were atheists."
Michael Blume, a researcher at the University of Jena in Germany, wrote "Most societies or communities that have espoused atheistic beliefs have not survived more than a century." Blume also indicated concerning concerning his research on this matter: "What I found was the complete lack of a single case of a secular population, community or movement that would just manage to retain replacement level."
Investigator Magazine had an interesting article published in 1990 entitled 2,000 years of Christian Increase which indicated that historically the percentage of the world population professing Christianity has been increasing.
2020 a key year for American Christians, creationists, pro-lifers and the world
Our Question Evolution!Campaign group wants to promote the 15 questions for evolutionists for the long term as we want to pave the way for some very significant things we see happening in 2020 and beyond which are expected to be very positive and significant developments for Bible believing Christians, pro-lifers and religious conservatives.
Consider this key information relating to the United States:
The Birkbeck College, University of London professor Eric Kaufmann wrote in his 2010 book Shall the Righteous Inherit the Earth? concerning America
High evangelical fertility rates more than compensated for losses to liberal Protestant sects during the twentieth century. In recent decades, white secularism has surged, but Latino and Asian religious immigration has taken up the slack, keeping secularism at bay. Across denominations, the fertility advantage of religious fundamentalists of all colours is significant and growing. After 2020, their demographic weight will begin to tip the balance in the culture wars towards the conservative side, ramping up pressure on hot-button issues such as abortion. By the end of the century, three quarters of America may be pro-life. Their activism will leap over the borders of the 'Redeemer Nation' to evangelize the world. Already, the rise of the World Congress of Families has launched a global religious right, its arms stretching across the bloody lines of the War on Terror to embrace the entire Abrahamic family.
Of course, we expect the above tipping point in America to positively affect the proliferation of biblical creationism as well - especially with the aid of the Question Evolution! Campaign.
More recently, conservative American Protestants have increased from a 40 per cent minority of white Protestants born in 1900 to a two-thirds majority among those born in 1975. The slight fertility advantage of conservative over liberal Protestants accounts for three-quarters of the rise.
Conservative churches are growing and liberal ones declining because of a differential in the fertility rates of each group. This demographic fact accounts for 80% of the “shifting fortunes of liberal and conservative Protestant churches” according to Chaves. Apparently women in conservative denominations have borne an average of one more child than women in more liberal or moderate denominations. Over several generations this difference becomes apparent and dramatic.
In 2011, the Oxford University journal Sociology of Religionpublished an article by Eric Kaufmann, Anne Goujon and Vegard Skirbekk entitled The End of Secularization in Europe?: A Socio-Demographic Perspective which declared:
“Silent” demographic effects can be profound in the long term. For example, Rodney Stark shows how early Christians’ favorable fertility and mortality rates when compared with Hellenistic pagans may have helped fuel a 40 percent growth rate in the Christian population of the Roman Empire over several centuries. This helped give rise to a population increase from 40 converts in 30 AD to 6 million by the year 300 leading to a “tipping point” which helped Christianity become institutionalized within the Empire (Stark 1996).
In addition, Eric Kaufmann using a multitude of demographic studies argues in an academic paper entitled Shall the Religious Inherit the Earth? Demography and Politics in the Twenty-First Century the decline of atheism in terms of its global adherents is an established trend that will persist for the foreseeable future and the rate of decline will accelerate. In the Western World, due to immigration and the higher birth rates of religious people, Kaufman writes: "Committed religious populations are growing in the West, and will reverse the march of secularism before 2050." See also: Eric Kaufmann's website
Kaufmann told a secular audience in Australia: "The trends that are happening worldwide inevitably in an age of globalization are going to affect us."
Also, for those who are interested in knowing more about Professor Eric Kaufmann's work on this matter, he also published a book titled Shall the religious inherit the earth
There has never been a better time than 2012 to attack Darwinism via a grassroots campaign
As you can see, there are some powerful demographic forces lining up which are unfavorable to Darwinism in the United States and in the world. And as you can see young Christians raised in the faith are going to play an important part. Our group wants to lay the groundwork for a crushing defeat of Darwinism. That is why we are committed to helping make 2012 be the worst year in the history of Darwinism. And anyone who has read Creation Ministries International's website information on human life and abortion knows that creationists are definitely allies to the pro-life cause so this will be very helpful to the pro-life cause as well.
Never before has there been a worldwide grassroots campaign to attack Darwinism which has focused on a series of key and very powerful questions for Darwinists. I firmly believe that a grassroots approach is key to defeating Darwinism and the group of Christians that is willing to strongly advance an anti-evolution grassroots campaign will have a devastating impact on Darwinism. Such an approach can create a proliferation of creationist grassroots fires designed to burn down the forest of Darwinism. Evolutionists will be unable to stamp out these fires using their strong arm tactics which were documented in the movie Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed.
In recent times, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (GCTS) has been publishing statistics on the growth and decline of adherents for various worldviews/religions and they publish their findings in January of each year. Various Christian groups disseminate their research findings such as the International Bulletin of Missionary Research (IBMR).
In February of 2011, the American Spectator noted concerning a International Bulletin of Missionary Research (IBMR) report:
The report estimates about 80,000 new Christians every day, 79,000 new Muslims every day, and 300 fewer atheists every day. These atheists are presumably disproportionately represented in the West, while religion is thriving in the Global South, where charismatic Christianity is exploding. Over 600 million Christians, including millions of Roman Catholics, are charismatic or Pentecostal.
(As a theologically conservative Protestant, I do understand that not everyone who proclaims themselves a Christian is a bona fide Christian in God's eyes and there are people who are deluded and/or false teachers. See: Matthew 7:23, Matthew 7: 14-15)
In 2012 it was reported there are 800 less atheists each day in the world
In 2012, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (GCTS) reported that every day there are 800 less atheists per day, 1,100 less non-religious (agnostic) people per day and 83,000 more people professing to be Christians per day (see: Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary - status of Global Mission report).
In 2012 an article entitled Atheism in decline by Nigel Tomes declared:
The IBMR publishes yearly figures for religions (and non religions) around the globe. Their latest numbers, hot off the press (Jan. 2012) show some interesting trends.
1. Atheism is in Decline
In 1970 atheists (those avowing there is no God) numbered 166 million worldwide; that was almost one-in-twenty—4.5% of the globe’s population. By 2012 atheists’ number is estimated at 137 million. That’s a decline of almost 30 million. Since world population is growing, atheists’ share declined to less than one-in-fifty—under 2% in 2012. Put differently, every 24 hours there are 800 fewer atheists in the world! Atheism is in decline.
2. Agnosticism is in Decline
In 2000 agnostics (those who “don’t know” if there is a God) numbered 666 million, 10.9% of the world’s people. By 2012 agnostic’s number is estimated at 661 million--a decline of 5 million. In relative terms by 2012 agnostics represent less than one tenth (9.4%) of world population. Every 24 hours there are 1,100 less agnostics in the world. Agnostics are also in decline.
Added together these two groups make up a declining share of global population. In 1970 atheists and agnostics accounted for one-in-five (19.2%) of the world’s people. Based on current trends by 2025 they will represent less than one-in-ten (9.7%). Their population share will fall by half in 50+ years.
We encourage you to examine the entire 2012 article by Nigel Tomes entitled Atheism in decline as it has some encouraging news about the growth of global Christianity.
Also, for those who are interested in knowing more about Professor Eric Kaufmann's work on this matter, he also published a book titled Shall the righteous inherit the earth
In 2009, the book A sceptics guide to atheism indicated: "A worldwide poll taken in 1991 put the global figure for atheists at just 4.4% of the population. By 2006 it was estimated that only 2% of the world population were atheists."
Michael Blume, a researcher at the University of Jena in Germany, wrote "Most societies or communities that have espoused atheistic beliefs have not survived more than a century." Blume also indicated concerning concerning his research on this matter: "What I found was the complete lack of a single case of a secular population, community or movement that would just manage to retain replacement level."
Investigator Magazine had an interesting article published in 1990 entitled 2,000 years of Christian Increase which indicated that historically the percentage of the world population professing Christianity has been increasing.
Comprehensive look at the decline of evolutionism, atheism and agnosticism
New Atheism reported to have little to no effect on atheism evangelism
New Atheism is a new form of militant atheism which started in the period between 2004 and 2007. The New Atheism movement has not had much of an impact in terms of gaining new adherents to atheism. In a March 10, 2008 USA Today article Stephen Prothero wrote:
Numbers lie, but they also tell tales untrustworthy and otherwise. So the key question stirring around the much discussed U.S Religious Landscape Survey released in late February by the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life is what tale does it state about the state of the union.
For some, the story of this survey, based on interviews in multiple languages with more than 35,000 adults, is the strength of American Religion.
Not too long ago, I wrote that American atheism was going the way of the freak show. As books by Christopher Hitchens and other "new atheists" climbed the best seller lists, I caught a lot of flak for that prophecy. But atheist make up only 1.6% of respondents to this survey....
Also, has the marketshare of leading atheist websites plunged in the last 5 years and in 2012? Is global atheism/agnosticism declining and expected to decline in an accelerated fashion? We have some very good news about this matter in our article entitled Internet atheism: The thrill is gone!
Question evolution! campaign in May and June of 2012