1. Is the young earth creationist organization Creation Ministries International and its Question Evolution! Campaign with its 15 questions for evolutionists on the rise and poised for tremendous growth?
2. Are evolutionists and atheists weak, complacent and in decline? Will the decline continue and accelerate?
3. Is global Darwinism/atheism/agnosticism on the decline and will it effect North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand?
4. What do the supporters of the Question Evolution! Campaign and its 15 questions for evolutionists want to do to keep the momentum going and help America achieve a creationist majority in America and eventual complete victory over Darwinism?
Key information to consider
1. Consider this graph from the web traffic tracking company Alexa
Creation Ministries and their website Creation.com is on the rise!
Creation Ministries International (Creation.com) - global market share according to Alexa:
(I updated this graph to include 2013 data as well).
Plus, young earth creationism appears to be growing in America as can be seen in this article: Young earth ceationism is growing in America
The Canadian creationist Ian Juby declared:
"The Question Evolution! Campaign is an innovative, grassroots anti-evolution campaign which I believe will have a lasting and far reaching impact. The campaign is worldwide in scope and I hope to see it serve as a uniting force within the biblical creation community. I heartily recommend getting involved in this grassroots anti-evolution movement." - Ian Juby
We have already started the process of working with other creationist groups and will continue to do so at a faster and faster pace. We want to reach as many young people and others before they get indoctrinated into Darwinism.
"It is swift as the wind in that it comes without a trace and withdraws like lightning. It is like a forest in that is orderly. It is rapacious as fire across a plain, not leaving a single blade of grass. It is immovable as a mountain when it garrisons". - Sun Tzu, Art of War describing an army2. The weakness of American and world atheism/evolutionism/agnosticism
Consider the key data given in these articles:
Internet atheism - The thrill is gone!
2012 is shaping up to be a BAD year for atheism and evolutionism! Great new charts and developments!
Down with evolutionary belief! Down with atheism! Hurray for the Question Evolution! Campaign!
Jesus vs. Richard Dawkins and PZ Myers - Jesus wins!
Round 2: Jesus vs. Richard Dawkins and PZ Myers - Jesus triumphs again! Onward Christian soldiers!
3. Is global Darwinism/atheism/agnosticism on the decline and will it effect North America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand?

The Birbeck, University of London professor Eric Kaufmann declared to an Australian secular audience in a lecture titled Shall the religious inherit the earth:
"The trends that are happening worldwide inevitably in an age of globalization are going to affect us."Australia is more secular than America. However, both Australia and United States are both a product of Western civilization so let's take a look at some key facts.
Consider the key information given in these articles:
Global decline of atheism and the rise of Christianity
Tipping points for American creationism
4. Achieving a creationist majority in America and keeping the momentum going

Don't think it can be done? I am sure the followers of Zeus and the early critics of Christianity said the same thing about Christianity! However, when is the last time you met a follower of Zeus? Can't remember? I didn't think so!
You definitely do not want to miss our upcoming article which will be published soon and titled Bringing down the temple of American Darwinism and achieving a creationist majority
Note to evolutionists and fellow creationists

Creationists, there has never been a better time for creation evangelism and to crush the anti-Christian pseudoscience of Darwinism.
Get involved in the Question Evolution! Campaign and tell others about the 15 questions for evolutionists.
We are in the midst of creating a Question Evolution book, an online course, more videos and audios/podcasts too. You don't want to miss getting involved in the Question Evolution! Campaign.
General resources:
Creation vs. evolution answers
Question Evolution! Campaign resources and other resources:
Question Evolution! Campaign
15 questions for evolutionists
Responses to the 15 Questions: part 1 - Questions 1-3
Responses to the 15 Questions: part 2 - Questions 4–8
Responses to the 15 Questions: part 2 - Questions 9-15
Refuting evolution
Creation Ministries International Question Evolution! Videos:
Fan created Question Evolution! Campaign videos:
- Stopping evolutionists in their tracks (created by a 13 year old fan of the campaign)
Photo credits:
1. Momentum graphic:
Source: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Momentum-Solid-BLK.jpg
Description: English: GoMomentum.com Logo
Date: 1 June 2011
Author: HoodStacey
License: This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license, see: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/deed.en
2. Cow picture - public domain, http://www.examiner.com/article/german-cow-luna-leaps-hurdles-for-equestrian-teen
You might like to correct the name of the Canadian creationist. It's Ian Juby (with "B"), not "Judy" blue eyes. BTW, I loved Ian's April 1 video about giving up and becoming an evolutionist. HA!
ReplyDeleteThanks for catching the typo. I know how to spell his name, but I guess I had a mental hiccup.
ReplyDeleteWe get busy, those things happen. I didn't even log off this name and go back to Piltdown Superman. I'm linking to you again on another Weblog. Atheists love it.