Wednesday, May 28, 2014

How loyal are Creation Ministries International fans?, which is the website of Creation Ministries International, has the highest percentage of visits from very loyal visitors of any creationist website according to the available data that Quantcast has publicly available.

In addition, the yearly web traffic to so far is way up in 2014 according to Quantcast., the website of Creation Ministries International,  has seen a significant uptick in visits from very loyal web visitors recently - a 33% improvement since November of 2012 (see:  November 2012 data). The results are pretty impressive.

Of course, this is easily explained - especially after they completely debunked Darwinism via their: 15 questions for evolutionists, impressive 101 evidences for a young earth article, and their masterful origin of life article. And who could forget their flagship arguments evolutionist should not use article which stops evolutionary bunkum dead in its tracks.  

I almost feel sorry for dogmatic evolutionists. After having a steady, compelling, creationist evidence and arguments barrage rain down on them from the scientists at, many evolutionists must have creationist arguments induced mental shell shock by now. In short, a case of Post Compelling Creationist Arguments Traumatic Syndrome (PCCATS).  Of course, there is a simple and painless cure - become biblical creationists.

Question Evolution! Campaign resources and other resources

Question Evolution! Campaign

15 questions for evolutionists

Responses to the 15 Questions: part 1 - Questions 1-3

Responses to the 15 Questions: part 2 - Questions 4–8

Responses to the 15 Questions: part 2 - Questions 9-15 


Other related resources

Refuting evolution

Evidence for Christianity

More evidence for Christianity


Creation Ministries International Question Evolution! Videos

Monday, May 5, 2014

Purdue University professor of sociology: Massive blow to world atheism coming

Fenggang Yang, a professor of sociology at Purdue University and expert on religion in China declares that China’s Protestant population will swell over the next 11 years to reach 160 million in 2025. Furthermore, Yang forecasts that China’s overall Christian population could reach 247 million people by 2030. See: China: Christianity's future?

Communist China, which has state atheism,  is currently the nation with the largest group of atheists. 

And history teaches us that atheism is a very weak ideology that can collapse very quickly in a culture with state atheism:

 What does the historical record say about how fast secularism can collapse in countries?

Georgetown University study provides two clues to shrinking atheism faster

In addition, demographic trends in the Western World are very inhospitable to atheism:

Resources on the rise of global Christianity and creationism and the decline of global atheism

Question Evolution! Campaign resources and other resources

Question Evolution! Campaign

15 questions for evolutionists

Responses to the 15 Questions: part 1 - Questions 1-3

Responses to the 15 Questions: part 2 - Questions 4–8

Responses to the 15 Questions: part 2 - Questions 9-15 


Other related resources

Atheism, agnosticism and humanism: Godless religions

Refuting evolution

Evidence for Christianity

More evidence for Christianity

Creation Ministries International Question Evolution! Videos