Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The growing irrelevance of the evolutionist Richard Dawkins and the rapidly growing influence of biblical Christianity and creationism in the world

Below is a collection of articles documenting the growing irrelevance of the evolutionist Richard Dawkins and the rapidly growing influence of biblical Christianity and creationism in the world.

Articles on Richard Dawkins

RichardDawkins,net keeps getting smited! Plague of locusts has eaten Richard Dawkins' daily website visitors?

Jesus vs. Richard Dawkins and PZ Myers - Jesus wins!

Round 2: Jesus vs. Richard Dawkins and PZ Myers - Jesus triumphs again! Onward Christian soldiers!

The Creation Ministries International meme is growing stronger. The memes of Richard Dawkins are growing weaker

Creation Ministries International blows past Richard Dawkins in terms of their website traffic. 

Richard Dawkins: Insightful secular strategist or an insincere book peddler?

Richard Dawkins and Rabbi Shmuley Boteach debate

Why does Richard Dawkins have such a high belief in the possibility of fairies being at the bottom of the garden?

Irish atheist Michael Nugent called Richard Dawkins a "caring, sensitive man"

What's the matter Richard Dawkins? Cat got your tongue?

The stench of evolutionism and Richard Dawkins vs. the sweet smell of Jesus Christ - Jesus wins!

Is Richard Dawkins a skunk that people want to quickly pass by? 

Richard Dawkins, where is the powerful punch you promised? Creationists haven't felt it yet

2012 has been a very BAD year for Richard Dawkins's website according to Quantcast

Richard Dawkins, it doesn't pay to be naughty during Christmas! Jesus smites you again! Repent and be saved!

Overview: Decline of atheism and the rise of biblical Christianity

Global decline of atheism/agnosticism and the rise of Christianity

Resources on the rise of global Christianity and creationism and the decline of global atheism and agnosticism 

Global resurgence of religion and the failure of the seculization theory model

Trends and Tipping point years: decline of atheism/agnosticism and growth of biblical creationism

Why are the years 2012 and 2020 key years for creationist and pro-lifers?

13 recent grim events for Darwinism that should give every Darwinist nightmares

Making 2012 the worst year in the history of Darwinism

Why Conservative Churches Are Growing: David Brooks and the Limits of Sociology

Belief in biblical creation is rapidly growing in the world

World creationism is growing rapidly

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